News & Events

Param Pujya Shri Gnanvi Jivanandasji Maharaj was honored with the honor of our Hospital President Mr. Odhavjibhai Patel

By offering a special documentary film to the hospital in response to the service activities of RMS Hospital under the Kundal Dham, organized by Kundal Dham, by offering a special documentary film to the hospital, Mr. Gyanjivandasji Maharaj was honored with the honor of the President of our Hospital Shri Jagannadasji Maharaj, and given the financial assistance, honorarium and memento to the hospital.

Changing the joints of the diaphragm successfully

Changing the joints of the beam through RMS Hospital Dhandhuka is successfully done. The RMS hospital will replace the jumbo joints at concessional rates for the public. The cost of changing the imported joints at one rupees is 1 lakh to 1 lakh ten thousand. Including all the costs of imported joints, operation expenses, anesthesia expenditure, medication costs, patient and lodging. Similarly, one side of Indian joints costs Rs 80 to 85 thousand, which includes all the above charges.

Successful planning of camp by joint effort of RMS Hospital, Dhandhuka and Shelby Hospital, Ahmedabad

On September 17, the camp was successfully organized by joint efforts of RMS Hospital, Dhandhuka and Shelby Hospital, Ahmedabad, in which the specialist of spine surgeon - Waist and Beads and specialist of cancer disease - oncologist diagnosed and treated free of needy patients.

Inauguration of Sonography Machine

Inauguration of Sonography Machine donated by AAPI Charitable Foundation U.S.A



